Who are you?
We are Asssk LLC, a small company based in Japan. Our expertise lies in the software business, where we provide consulting, development, project management, and other related services.
What is this website?
This website is where you can share your thoughts and ideas with the world. The difference is that all documents here are encrypted, and only people with the key can read them.
What is the point?
When you are writing a novel and publishing it chapter by chapter, you may fear that someone will predict the ending and share it with the world before you do. If the ending you have in mind is the same as the one that person shared, you might feel that your work lacks originality. Even worse, that person may claim that you copied their work. However, if you have published the plot here in advance, you can prove that you didn't steal the idea by providing the key you have.
Is this website free?
Yes, this website is currently free to use. We do not have any functionalities that require payments from you. However, in the future, we may introduce ads to help sustain and improve our service. These ads will be implemented thoughtfully to ensure they do not disrupt your experience on the site. Our primary goal is to provide you with a seamless and enjoyable platform for sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world. Should there be any changes to our pricing or features in the future, we will communicate them transparently to our users. Thank you for being a part of our community!
Do I keep the copyright?
Yes, you keep the copyright of the uploaded documents. However, please be aware that even though the documents will be encrypted, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the legal right to upload and share them on our platform.
I lost the key, what can I do?
Unfortunately, we do not save the key, so there is nothing we can do to recover it for you. We strongly recommend that you save the key and ensure to keep the original in your private storage. It's essential to store your key to maintain access to your encrypted documents.
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