Terms of Service

1. Account Creation

Users can create their accounts using an account from Social Networking Sites (SNS). E.g. Google, Facebook, or Twitter.

2. Basic Functionalities

Users can use the basic functionalities of our service for free.

3. User Responsibilities

While we do not restrict the types of content users can upload, users are responsible for ensuring they have the legal right to upload the content to our platform.

4. Copyright

Users retain the copyright of the uploaded contents.

5. Content Removal

We will delete any documents that violate copyright, or it is required to do so by the local authorities.

6. Limitation of Liability

We are not responsible for any damages caused by using our service.

7. Account Deletion

Users can delete their accounts at any time. Deleting an account will also delete the documents created by the user.
To delete your account, go to My Page after logging in, and click the [Delete My Account] button.

By using our service, you agree to abide by these terms. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you may not use our service.

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